
Well as most of you have heard I am moving down to Monterey California to join Matthew. It has been an interesting last couple weeks to say the least. I am moving this Friday. I am really excited to be moving down there with him! It will be nice to be together and now we know for sure he will be there when the baby is born and for the few months following! I found us an apartment down there and it is pretty cool...wood paneling on EVERY SINGLE WALL!!! It will be awesome haha! Also I am having my baby shower this Thursday which will be fun, if you didnt get your invite it is because it has been a mad house and I only found out I was moving a week ago. It is at my moms house is South Jordan at 7 on Thursday. I also had a couple invites returned to me so I will try to give you a call. I was going to put up a belly picture because I am now the big 30 weeks! BUT my camera and cords are already packed so that will have to wait. Anyways I hope all is well with everyone else. Wish me luck on my 13 hour drive!!


Carlie said...

I am so excited for you! Can't wait to see ya Thursday!

Jill & Alex said...

POOP I work til 8... but can is it still going to be going on??

Amber said...

Oh my gosh I had no idea! I was actually going to text you & let you know I can't come. The middle of the week doesn't work b/c I'd have to bring Parker & he doesn't do good after 7pm. (8pm is his bedtime.) If you give me your new address I can try & send you something in the mail! Good luck to you! You are so cute! :)

Unknown said...

I'm excited, we'll definitely come see you guys!