So My mom ordered the baby bedding I am in LOVE with and giving it to me for Christmas! YAY! I am sooo excited for it!

On another note Matt got to call me yesterday and tell me the dates he will be home for Christmas, he will be home December 17-January 2. I am hoping to plan a couple fun things for us to do while he is home! Geez I miss him a bunch already and talking to him was kindof hard but sooo good to hear from him! Anyways let me know what you think of the bedding I really am OBSESSED!


Amber said...

Very cute bedding. I am so exited you guys are having a girl! I hope I get a girl one day. That would be so hard to be apart. I think I would cry even if I weren't pregnant so you are totally justified being sad & lonely. Post some belly pics when you start to show!

Unknown said...

I LOVE it! You have good taste. I like that it is so girly without being pink all over everything.