Back to Reality!?!

Well we are back from vacation and we had a blast! It was so good to get away just the two of us for a week. I will post more about our vacation later when I have downloaded the pics. For those of you who don't know (which I think most do although some figured out by facebook on accident..I wasnt going to say anything on there but aparently signed up for a pregnancy calander thing) I am pregnant! I am due on April 15th and we are sooo excited! If you know our situation Matt will be gone at military training so it was a bit of a surprise but we are still really excited and hopeing Matt will be able to come home for the birth. I am 13 weeks along and havent really been sick (besides this cold that I cant get rid of) which has been a real blessing because I have been really busy with work and school. We are going to our next appointment on October 25th, the day before Matt leaves, to hopefully find out the sex although it is still a little early. I am not showing so a picture wouldnt really be fun because I still look the same. I will update my blog if we are able to find out the sex. Another note we are having a going away party for Matt on October 23rd at my parents house in South Jordan, all are invited! Please come and tell Matt good luck! Let me know if you need directions or anything.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS! Nathan and I can't even believe it. We're so excited for you two! How fun!