
This post really has no point, there is nothing uber exciting happening in my life so I am just posting random thoughts.

1. My hair is really dry, I mean Sahara desert dry, and I was wondering if anybody had any tips? I googled and found some tips: examples, do not wash hair letting natural oils repair dryness, use mayonnaise as a mask ( YUCK that one made me gag) and different treatment products so off to the store I went. I bought this product coconut milk (only .84 at target whoot whoot) hopefully it will work the reviews online look promising. I also went a whole day without washing my hair (don't worry I still showered) and it was horrible I felt like my hair smelled all day and looked greasy, so I am not doing that again! On a side note the smell of this product makes me want to eat it, soooo delicious!

2. My parents bought me a beautiful new sewing machine for Christmas and I have not even used it yet. I have these projects running around in my head but after my last FAILED project I am scared. If anybody has any cute easy projects (I really like making clothes and stuff) then send them my way cause I really need to get over this.

3. I found this dreamy duvet cover at anthropologie I want it soooo badly! I cannot stop thinking about it, I even have dreams about it!

So if anybody want to buy this for me I will gladly accept :)

4. For one of my new years resolutions I wanted to try a new recipe once a month and thought I would share. For January I tried this cream cheese chicken crescent rolls and it sooo easy and delicious! here is the recipe
I also got a delicious recipe from my neighbor for a tasty pasta and tomato salad it is sooo good but the recipe is pretty detailed and would take to long to write on here but you should all come over to my house and I will make it for you :)

5. I think I would be really fun for a bunch of ladies to get together and do a craft night, recipe night, quilt night, play bunco or something, especially sense I may or may not be moving soon so let me know if you are interested. Sense quitting my job I have more time on my hands and could organize a get together.

Well I think that is enough rambling for today!


-Danica- said...

I am interested in the girls night!! You let me know when you are doing it and I am there :)

Carlie said...

one- I am joining your sewing/game/whatever group. annnnd i totally want to try that tomato dinner you said you would make for whoever came over! haha :)

Jill & Alex said...

I'm in also!!!!
I say we combine the dinner & girls night lol

Leslie and Matthew Bybee said...

haha DEAL! we will combine dinner and girls night!

Carlie said...

woohoo! when shall we do this? :)

oralia said...

Oh my gosh, I totally jut looked at that duvet cover from anthropologie!!! That picture makes it look SO beautiful. haha.

elizabeth & trevor said...

That cover is beautiful!! Also, I know you said you weren't going to do the no washing thing again, but I promise it really REALLY helps!! So if you ever do try it again....You can put a little baby powder around where your hair touches your face or gets greasy and brush it in and it really does help get rid of all the grease. Just try it next time you don't feel like showering and see if it helps! Because showering and drying and straightening your hair every day is REALLY bad for it!