Our Life!

Well we have been married for just over 2 months now...which seems quite crazy to me! We have been pretty busy having lots of fun.  We went to Costa Rica for our honeymoon and had so many fun adventures. We stayed at a resort right on the beach, we got to feed some wild monkeys and rented wave runners in the ocean.  We were having so much fun we accidentally missed our flight and ended up staying an extra day, but we were glad to come home and start "real life" together.  Matt works at backcountry.com for the moment, he starts teaching next month. He is teaching a fifth/six grade split class. I don't know who is more excited my mom or matt! I am still working at America First Credit Union trying to find a full-time job hopefully something will come along soon.  Matt starts his masters at the end of the month, he is going to be so busy hopefully I will too. 

Most of my time is spent at work, reading, or watching the one tree hill seasons that my wonderful husband gave me.  Matt has become a one tree hill fan also although I don't think he would be willing to admit it he likes watching just as much as I do. We have had tons of fun watching them together. I have recently read the Twilight series and am just as obsessed as everyone else,  I started reading the first book on our honeymoon and couldn't put it down.  Luckily I only took one so only one day was lost ;) I am now reading The Host but just barely started so I am not sure if I like it yet or not. Well that is pretty much our life haha maybe I will get Matt to blog too so you will get both perspectives. Love you all!

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